
Engine: Oblivion

Team: Vigil Games

Duration: 1 Year


Primary focus on the Angel Realm and Shadows Edge


Gameplay scripting; FX scripting; In-Game cinematics creation; Player rewards / Secrets; Portaling / Optimization

Click on a thumbnail to enlarge.

Description: I started work on Darksiders II at the beginning of 2012, being one of the first developers from Dark Millennium Online to switch teams and join the push to get the game out the door. I was soon given primary ownership over a variety of aspects of the project - for instance, VO scripting for the main character, FX scripting for the large volcano in the Forge Lands, creating several substantial in-game cinematics, and player rewards including most collectibles and hidden chests in the game.

After surviving major company-wide layoffs in March, I became the primary designer to take responsibility for and polish the final two zones in the game; the Angel Realm and Shadows Edge. After shipping the game in August, I spent most of the rest of the year working on various DLC dungeons, as well as post-release bug fixes.

"With a unique protagonist, killer art style, savvy level design, and ferocious combat, there's little left for an action fan to want, while the role-playing elements have been enhanced to such a degree that the overall experience feels deeper and more compelling than before. If this game is not a success, then truly the world doesn't know what's good for it." -, Darksiders II Review